Garapatch, Konstantin

Born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1967

Graduated from the State College of Arts of Kiev in 1985.
Graduated from the I.E. Repin State Academic Institute of Arts, Sculpture and Architecture of St. Petersburg in 1993.
From 1994 till 1998 post graduate courses at the studio of Professor M.K. Anikuschin at the Repin State Academy.
In 1997 Assistant of Professor M.K. Anikuschin

1985 Participant of the competition “Victory”, Moscow.
1989 First and second price at the competition “Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad”
Participant of the competition “The poet Pushkin”.
1991 Workshop at the Academy of Art of Berlin. Exhibition “The White Nights” at the Academy of Arts Munich.
1992 Exhibition at the Repin Academy of Arts St. Petersburg.
1995 Exhibition at the Academy of Arts Moscow. Second International Exhibition “Dialog”, St. Petersburg. Assignment for a sculpture for the University of India.
1996 Exhibition in Aachen, Germany. Exhibition at the Repin Academy of Arts St. Petersburg.
1997 Monumental sculpture for the metro station “Sportiwnaja”, St. Petersburg.
1998 Exhibition Eupen, Belgium.
1999 Stipend of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Workshop at the Gallery “Bay Arts” , Connecticut, U.S.A. Participation in the sculpture "Minerva" for the building of the Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg.
2000 Participation at the monument "A.S. Pushkin", Kursk, Russia. Exposition "Artists from St. Petersburg".
2001 Participation renovation Sculpture "Fortuna portal im Schlosshof", Potsdam, Germany. Exposition Art 2002, London.
2002 Exposition "Artists from Russia" Moscow, Russia.
2003 Exposition "ZOO Art"; Exposition 70 Years Union of Artists, St Petersburg.

At various private collections all over the world.

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1 December 2016