Aantal bezoekers

Krapiviena, Natalya
Born 1973 Central Russia
Lived in Jekaterinaburg Children artschool ! in Jekaterinaburg Finished Art Gymnasium in Jekaterinaburg cum laude 1994
1994 Academy Repin SPb Professor Kitschko 2000 Finished diplomwerk theme “Memories” cum lauda 2001 Member Union of Artists
Diplomwork was bought by Museum Academy Repin Stipendium of Government Union of Arts by Min. of Culture Exhibitions and prices for competitions Union etc.
Collection Holland, Germany, USA, Russia
Titel | "Shells" |  |
Type | phantastic realism |
Jaar | 2002 |
Formaat | 70x80 |
Techniek | oil on canvas |
Code | NK.04 |
Prijs | on request |
Titel | "Reading" |  |
Type | phantastic realism |
Jaar | 2003 |
Formaat | 70x70 |
Techniek | oil on canvas |
Code | NK.10 |
Prijs | on request |
Titel | House of Cards |  |
Type | phantastic realism |
Jaar | 2006 |
Formaat | 60 x 50 |
Techniek | oil on canvas |
Code | NK.19 |
Prijs | on request |